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The Brooklyn Bridge UFO Incident: The Story Of Linda, Richard, Dan & Bud Hopkins

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On a cold November night in 1989, the clock struck just after 3:00 a.m. in the bustling city of New York. Janet Kimball found herself driving over the iconic Brooklyn Bridge when an unexpected turn of events halted her journey. As her car sputtered to a stop, Janet's frustration grew with each failed attempt to reignite the engine. However, her predicament took an eerie twist when a brilliant light suddenly engulfed her surroundings, forcing her to shield her eyes.

Initially assuming the source of the light to be an apartment building, Janet dismissed the possibility of a movie shoot, considering it a common occurrence in the vibrant city. Yet, her perception quickly shifted when she noticed the luminosity emanating from a peculiar saucer-shaped craft hovering above the building. Dismissing the notion of a science fiction film, Janet soon realized that this extraordinary sight was, in fact, a real occurrence unfolding before her very eyes.

As Janet's eyes adjusted to the dazzling brightness, she witnessed an astonishing spectacle—a series of levitating figures emerging from the radiant glow. Although they appeared as floating objects at first, she soon discerned their true nature—human beings. Amidst this bewildering scene, the luminous radiance abruptly extinguished, and the saucer descended into the depths of the East River. Remarkably, this extraordinary event was witnessed by 23 individuals, including a prominent global leader. The sight of people being transported to a UFO via a beam of light in the heart of New York City was merely the tip of the bizarre iceberg.

Silently and slowly, all the witnesses ascended into the enigmatic saucer-shaped craft. Once inside, they were escorted along a hallway adorned with benches by humanoid creatures. Passing various rooms with doors hissing open and shut, the creatures engaged in hushed conversations in an unfamiliar language that Linda couldn't comprehend. Eventually, Linda found herself guided into a luminous room, its centerpiece a long table.

Overwhelmed by panic, Linda's screams filled her mind as she wondered, "What do you want from me?" Yet, to her surprise, the words that escaped her mouth were in an entirely alien tongue. One of the beings promptly covered Linda's mouth with a hand, and she felt a peculiar sensation in her nostril as a lengthy medical instrument was inserted.

In a tender gesture, one of the creatures approached Linda, delicately running its hand through her hair while placing a warm palm against her cheek. Bewildered, she implored, "Why am I here?" The being responded with a simple phrase, "Just for a visit." In an instant, Linda regained her mobility, sitting upright on the table. A deafening roar filled her ears, and suddenly, she found herself awake in her own bed. Frantically, Linda attempted to rouse her husband, Steve, only to discover his motionless form. Overwhelmed by panic, she rushed down the hallway toward her children's bedroom, shared by her two young sons. Despite her desperate pleas, they remained unresponsive. Grabbing hold of her youngest, Johnny, tears streamed down Linda's face as she shook him vigorously, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, in the art world, Bud Hopkins had attained significant acclaim. His artistic creations found a permanent home in prestigious institutions like the Guggenheim, the Whitney, the Met, the Museum of Modern Art, and even the British Museum, solidifying his position as a prominent figure in the field.

Bud Hopkins possessed more than just artistic talent; he had carved a niche for himself as a prominent figure. Renowned for his expertise as a UFO investigator, he stood among the foremost authorities on encounters of alien abductions. Diligently delving into numerous cases, he chronicled his findings in multiple books, notably the bestselling works "Intruders" and "Missing Time." Beyond his literary contributions, Hopkins demonstrated his compassion by hosting support groups in his own home, offering solace and understanding to witnesses and survivors. Esteemed and beloved, those who knew him attested to his kind-hearted nature, empathy, and intellectual prowess. Owing to his established reputation and open-door policy, he received a considerable volume of correspondence. However, one particular letter, arriving in February 1991, stood apart from the rest.

My understanding of this subject stems from an incident occurring at around 3:30 AM in late November 1989. Underneath the elevated FDR Drive, our patrol car provided a vantage point. Suddenly, a peculiar oval shape materialized, hovering above an apartment building just a couple of blocks away. Emitting an intense blue luminescence from its underside, it captivated our attention. I called out to my partner, who shared my astonishment. We contemplated leaving the vehicle, but how could we assist the young girl or woman clad in a pristine white nightgown? Suspended in mid-air, engulfed by a radiant beam of bluish-white light, she resembled an ethereal angel. Soon after, she was lifted into the colossal oval structure, approximately three-quarters the size of the adjacent building. Accompanied by three unsightly yet humanoid entities, she vanished into the depths of the craft, which then descended into the river near the Brooklyn Bridge. Mr. Hopkins, the oval craft never resurfaced from beneath the water. The guilt has haunted us, making it arduous to live with ourselves. My partner and I have been contemplating whether we should attempt to locate this individual.

We possess knowledge of the building and can identify the window. However, we question if she was merely a figment of our imagination. If she does exist, is she safe and unharmed? We need to ascertain the truth. Should we opt to pursue this endeavor, we will reach out to you again with additional information if we manage to find her. We sincerely hope we do. Our heartfelt appreciation, Officers Dan and Richard.

Bud Hopkins found himself astounded. The letter referred to a woman he knew well—Linda Napoletano, an attendee of his support groups. This marked the first instance where multiple individuals provided accounts of the same incident. Roughly two weeks later, Linda called, her voice agitated. She recounted an odd visit she had received from two detectives named Richard and Dan late in the evening, around 11 PM. The detectives arrived at her doorstep, clad in dark suits, and identified themselves with badges. Richard and Dan were the very same individuals who had sent the aforementioned letter to Bud Hopkins. Linda described Dan as somewhat distant and aloof, while Richard, though nervous, displayed considerable kindness. During their half-hour conversation, Richard nearly broke down in tears. Linda relayed her own experience, explaining how her husband and children had fallen into an unshakeable slumber that lasted for hours. She had even resorted to placing a mirror beneath her son's nose to ensure he was still breathing.

Linda implored Richard and Dan to contact Bud Hopkins, but they expressed unease about doing so. The detectives departed, and Linda assumed the matter had concluded. However, Bud Hopkins soon received another letter.

Dear Bud, we hope this audio tape suffices. We're unsure how helpful it will be, but please utilize it as you see fit. We will remain in contact. Thank you, Dan and Richard. PS: Linda is an incredibly charming woman.

Accompanying the letter was a cassette tape featuring a recording of Richard speaking alone. The tape began in the middle of a sentence.

I comprehend that many of your emotions regarding this matter may be complex. Concerning this tape, I have written everything down to facilitate its expression. Kindly pardon my monotonous reading voice. The subject matter delves into uncharted territory within my professional career. Linda is a genuinely kind person. Despite her evident distress, we recognized her sincerity. Linda stressed the utmost importance of reaching out to you. Having personally witnessed and conversed with her, we can attest to her profound fear. What we witnessed actually occurred, and I pray that it doesn't drive me to madness.

Richard proceeded to recount the events surrounding Linda's abduction. Although he harbored reservations about publicly verifying the story, he believed that an audio recording would prove valuable to Bud.

The memory of her expressionless face, pure white without a hint of emotion, lingers in our minds. Like a suspended figurine, a pale maternal doll suspended in mid-air. Through my binoculars, I beheld three of the most grotesque beings I had ever seen. I cannot identify their species; they were distinctly non-human. Their heads were grossly disproportionate, lacking discernible features. Their unnaturally large eyes were truly striking. Those creatures escorted her into the craft. Thank you, Bud, for ensuring her well-being. I am uncertain of the tape's purpose, but I know it represents the utmost I can do for you, Bud, for Linda, and all others sharing her experiences. Please respect the significance of our work and the need for anonymity. Our identities must remain concealed, lest we become objects of ridicule. Thank you, Bud.

Richard and Dan grappled with the overwhelming nature of what they had witnessed. While Richard managed to maintain some stability, Dan began to lose his grip on sanity. A few weeks after Bud Hopkins received the audio tape from Richard, he received a letter from Dan.

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Danny, and I wanted to reach out to you regarding a matter of great importance. You may be familiar with my acquaintance, Richard, who happens to be my partner. The reason for my communication stems from a recent fishing trip, during which I have had some contemplative moments.

First and foremost, I am relieved to inform you that Linda is alive and well, which has alleviated my previous state of depression. However, a complex mix of emotions, including anger, fear, and embarrassment, has taken hold of me. Richard, too, is grappling with these very same sentiments, albeit in his own unique way. His method of coping involves surreptitiously observing Linda, a course of action that I believe she would not approve of. For Richard, witnessing Linda's presence reinforces the reality of our past experiences, providing him with a sense of sanity. Unfortunately, this approach does not work for me. Whenever I encounter Linda, I am overcome with trembling and an overwhelming flood of memories. The constant reminders are something I cannot easily dismiss, as the events we endured will forever be etched in my memory.

During our recent interactions, Linda did mention that she had noticed a white van parked near her building and had a distinct feeling of being followed and watched. These unsettling incidents have only added to our already distressing circumstances.

I must emphasize that the November incident remains one of the most harrowing times in my life. The sighting of the unidentified flying object was deeply unsettling, and to compound matters, we were unfortunate witnesses to the abduction of a young woman. The questions that plagued us at the time were haunting: What fate awaited her? How could we be of assistance? These thoughts became overwhelming, and the burden became too much to bear. Perhaps Richard has already spoken to you about our recurring nightmares.

Mr. Hopkins, I find myself sleeping with a pistol by my bedside, driven by the fear that if Linda could be taken, then I too am at risk. Richard shares this same apprehension. We understand the significance of your request for us to come forward, as these accounts could easily be dismissed as the ramblings of deluded individuals. However, we firmly believe that there is more to this mysterious series of events than meets the eye. Frankly speaking, you will require more than just two detectives to unravel the perplexing occurrences that have affected numerous individuals. We wish you the best of luck in your investigations. Furthermore, should you stumble upon substantial and credible evidence, we urge you to exercise caution in selecting trustworthy recipients, as there appears to be an evident cover-up underway.

I appreciate your time and consideration in reading this rather extensive letter. Please accept my sincere gratitude.

Yours sincerely,

Upon reaching this point, Bud Hopkins realized that he needed to locate Richard and Dan. He embarked on a quest, visiting various police precincts throughout the city and distributing flyers. Unsurprisingly, no law enforcement officials came forward since Richard and Dan were not, in fact, police officers. Bud Hopkins chose not to disclose to Linda that Richard and Dan had misrepresented themselves as detectives, as he hoped to gather additional information before making any revelations. Several weeks later, Bud received another letter.

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

We find ourselves writing to you once again, compelled by the utmost importance of the matter at hand. There is a significant depth to this story that necessitates further disclosure. We have received permission from a third party who was also involved in the incident that transpired in November 1989. This individual holds great importance and often communicates with influential figures from all corners of the globe.

After extensive inquiries, we discovered that this third witness is none other than Javier Perez de Quiar, the Secretary General of the United Nations. As one of the world's most prominent political figures, Secretary General de Quiar carries immense influence. Richard and Dan were working as part of his security detail, responsible for driving him to the heliport located downtown. It was during their approach to Linda's building that their vehicle inexplicably stalled. Subsequently, all three of them bore witness to the ensuing events. Secretary General de Quiar vehemently insisted on remaining unidentified, and Richard and Dan chose to assume the role of police officers to protect his anonymity. While Secretary General de Quiar was relieved to learn of Linda's safety, he made it clear that he wished to disassociate himself from any further involvement in this matter. Richard and Dan, displaying their resourcefulness, continue to grapple with the emotional aftermath.

Fast forward a few weeks to April 29, 1991, when Linda found herself on her way to the supermarket. It was then that she heard someone call out her name—a familiar voice belonging to Richard. They engaged in casual conversation before Richard directed her attention to a black luxury car parked nearby, its rear door ajar. He invited Linda to take a ride so they could talk. Linda, preoccupied with her numerous errands, politely declined but extended an invitation to Richard, encouraging him to visit her apartment later that evening for a conversation.

Please accept our deepest gratitude for your attention to this matter. We eagerly await your next steps and trust that you will handle the delicate nature of this situation with the utmost care.

Warm regards,


Richard expressed his inability to comply and requested her to reconsider, prompting Linda to apologize once more and extend her invitation for Richard to visit later. However, a sudden change came over Richard, his face darkening as he forcibly grabbed her. In response, Dan swiftly intervened, leaping out of the car and remarking, "Come on, cutie, he's got you." They forcefully pushed her into the vehicle, with Richard restraining her while Dan assumed the driver's seat. Without hesitation, the car swiftly sped away from the curb, vanishing amidst the bustling traffic.

During the drive, Richard and Dan subjected Linda to intense interrogation, demanding to know her affiliations and involvement with governments, be it earthly or extraterrestrial. Overwhelmed with tears, Linda vehemently denied all their accusations. Growing increasingly frustrated, Dan angrily instructed her to cease crying, and then questioned, "You're one of them, aren't you?" Mistakenly believing Linda to be an alien, he persistently pressed her for confirmation, but she adamantly refuted his assumption. Dan's anger escalated further, leading him to pull into a rest stop, where he demanded that Linda remove her shoes so he could inspect her feet.

Despite feeling foolish, Linda complied, understanding that refusal would only result in them resorting to force. For nearly four hours, they continued to drive around, bombarding Linda with questions about the aliens' identity, origins, and their actions during her alleged abduction. Repeatedly, she could only respond with her limited consciousness during the incident, claiming an inability to remember any substantial details. Eventually, they dropped her off at her building, where Richard offered his apologies, yet Linda firmly expressed her desire to never see them again.

Seeking further insight, Linda engaged in a hypnosis session with Bud Hopkins, hoping to uncover additional information. It was revealed that the car involved was a Rolls Royce, adorned with a distinctive blue United Nations sticker and diplomatic license plates. Moreover, Linda's recollection included another car trailing them, a Mercedes. She managed to recall a few numbers from the license plate, and with the aid of a friend, Bud Hopkins confirmed that the Rolls Royce belonged to the Secretary General. Weeks later, Linda found herself being pursued by Richard once more. She sprinted, evading him until she reached the safety of her apartment building.

Subsequent months passed without incident, until Bud Hopkins received a letter from Dan. The letter hinted at an even more extraordinary turn of events. Dated September 17th, 1991, Dan expressed remorse for their actions towards Linda and acknowledged that their behavior was inexcusable. Stress was cited as a contributing factor, as Richard, Dan, and Secretary General De Quayar had experienced shared memories triggered by recent events.

According to their recollection, after a UFO submerged into the river, the three men suddenly found themselves on a beach. Linda, accompanied by three aliens, was seen digging in the sand while conversing in an unknown language. Approaching the men, Linda's expression was vacant as she presented a lifeless fish, scolding them with the words, "Look and see what you've done." Curiously, one of the extraterrestrial beings referred to Linda as the "Lady of the Sand," and the men observed the absence of toes on the aliens' feet.

The scene shifted abruptly, with Linda and the aliens walking towards the water, and Richard, Dan, and De Quayar finding themselves back near their car. Although the Secretary General ended up on the car's roof, Dan and Richard assisted him down. Reflecting on their previous questioning of Linda in April, they acknowledged her withholding of information, attributing it to fear and uncertainty regarding their intentions. They remained in the dark about Linda's true identity, suspecting her to be the enigmatic "Lady of the Sands." Expressing his disdain for Linda, Dan contemplated engaging her in a sincere conversation, despite her likely refusal. He aimed to uncover the truth and discern her differences, convinced that she possessed extraordinary qualities. Dan implored Bud to prepare Linda for an upcoming visit, emphasizing the need to prevent her from escaping again. Finally, he requested Bud to reassure Linda that they had not caused harm to the fish.

In an attempt to retrieve more memories, Bud hypnotized Linda once more. Astonishingly, she recollected everything, including their purpose of collecting sand samples to investigate the cause of fish deaths. Linda also retained her recollection of being referred to as the "Lady of the Sand," although its significance eluded her. Bud then proceeded to read a letter from Linda's father, which warned of his impending arrival. On October 15, in broad daylight, Dan forcibly seized Linda and forced her into his car. This time, he was alone and completely unhinged. As they drove, Dan incessantly kissed Linda's face while occasionally grabbing her knee, to which she resisted. Despite her initial resistance, Linda eventually relinquished her defiance, realizing that opposing Dan would only worsen her situation.

Upon reaching a beach house on Long Island, Dan resumed showering Linda's face with kisses, instructing her to make herself comfortable as he retreated to the kitchen to prepare coffee. Linda, seeking a means of communication, scoured the premises for a phone but found none. Additionally, she attempted to uncover any clues regarding Dan's identity but came up empty-handed. The only discernible items in the house were two framed pictures—one depicting Linda bidding farewell to her son, Johnny, and the other featuring her near a lighthouse. Returning from the kitchen with a white gift-wrapped box, Dan presented it to Linda, who hesitantly unwrapped it, discovering a negligee inside.

He instructed her to put it on, but she declined. The fury in Dan's eyes was evident, prompting Linda to suggest wearing it over her clothes. Dan reluctantly agreed. However, Dan's expression suddenly turned pale, exclaiming, "Oh, my goodness! It was you." Overwhelmed with emotion, he dropped to his knees and began to weep. Linda compassionately placed a hand on his shoulder before swiftly making her way towards the door and out onto the sandy beach.

Linda sprinted with all her might, her ears filled with Dan's enraged shouts growing closer. Eventually, he caught hold of her, but instead of causing harm, he started gently rocking her back and forth. With a seemingly affectionate tone, he proposed, "Isn't this lovely? We can escape far away and create a new family." Linda vehemently expressed her disinterest in starting anew. Dan's demeanor abruptly shifted. He forcefully pressed Linda's face into the sand, bellowing, "Dig more holes, Lady of the Sand!" His attempt to kiss her was met with resistance. Grasping at her clothes, Linda let out a piercing cry for help, yet the deserted beach provided no aid. Finally, Dan pulled Linda up by her hair, insisting, "Let's clean your face." He dragged her towards the water, submerging her head. Darkness enveloped Linda as she lost consciousness. Dan continued to hold her underwater, but fortunately, the undertow intervened, allowing her to break free. Crawling back onto the beach, Linda was consumed by exhaustion, caring little for her own fate. Surprisingly, Dan made no further attempts to drown her. Instead, he sat beside her, cradling her tenderly and rocking her back and forth.

However, the scene took an unexpected turn when Linda noticed Richard standing in the beach house doorway. Richard vociferously demanded that Dan release her and subsequently assisted them into the safety of the house. He managed to calm Dan down and persuaded him to retire upstairs and clean up. Once tranquility was restored, Richard accompanied Linda back home. Several days later, Bud Hopkins received a letter from Richard.

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

I am deeply troubled and saddened by the events that unfolded on October 15th involving Linda and Dan. Linda holds a special place in my heart, and Dan is my closest companion. Bud, I yearn to have my friend back, but he remains a changed man.

Richard also enclosed a couple of photographs taken by Dan, depicting Linda while she was running along the beach. In his letter, Richard explained that Dan was undergoing psychiatric treatment. The catalyst for Dan's distress stemmed from Linda's ability to communicate with them telepathically. Astonishingly, when they initially took hold of her on the street, Linda conveyed telepathically, pleading, "Be kind, don't harm me." This revelation deeply unsettled Dan.

Several days later, he visited Linda, and that's when the story took an even more intense turn. On Thursday, November 21, Linda was en route to the post office when Richard appeared. They spent the majority of the day together, and during their time together, Richard confessed his love for her. Linda, too, harbored feelings for Richard, but her commitment to her marriage and family left her torn. Nonetheless, when he kissed her, she didn't resist.

They delved into discussions about their childhoods and discovered commonalities. Richard displayed a keen interest in Linda's son, Johnny, confessing that he had always felt a paternal connection, even though he wasn't Johnny's biological father. The next day, Bud received another letter.

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

Yesterday's meeting between Linda and me was exceedingly pleasant. She appeared relaxed and at ease.

Linda is an incredibly intriguing individual. It's no wonder, considering what she might be. Yes, I believe that Linda originates from another realm but was raised in our world.

Richard delivered an unexpected update regarding Dan's deteriorating condition, revealing that he was currently residing in a mental facility. However, Richard had another startling revelation to share. He disclosed that since his childhood, he had vividly dreamt of a girl who seemed to grow up alongside him, even though they were unfamiliar with each other's real names. In their dream world, he affectionately called her Baby Anne, while she referred to him as Mickey. Despite Richard's attempts to pursue other relationships, his heart remained fixated on Baby Anne, whom he believed to be a mere figment of his imagination. As the years passed, his dreams of Baby Anne became more frequent, and by their twenties, they had fallen deeply in love and envisioned a lifelong commitment. Sadly, Richard would always awaken before they could be together. Subsequently, Richard ceased dreaming of Baby Anne for two decades until that fateful morning in November 1989 when he witnessed Baby Anne's apparition surrounded by a radiant beam of blue light.

Linda, the woman I love, embodies the essence of my Baby Anne. Although I left her apartment that night filled with anger, I cannot deny the profound affection I hold for her. Regrettably, it is now too late for us to fulfill our love. While I've hinted at the connection we share, Linda remains oblivious to our past. Caught between a metaphorical fire and water, I find myself in an agonizing dilemma—either path I choose leads to inevitable suffering.

Inquisitive, Bud inquired about Linda's imaginary friends during her childhood. To his surprise, she confirmed having an imaginary companion named Mickey, who remarkably resembled Richard. Even Linda's son, Johnny, bore a resemblance to Richard. The discovery of Richard's letter stunned Linda, yet she preferred not to delve into the question of Johnny's paternity, and Bud respected her wishes. Richard distanced himself from Linda's life thereafter, but she received a disconcerting letter from Dan, who wrote from the confines of a mental institution.

By the time you receive this Christmas greeting, I will have successfully escaped this place. Did you really think I would let you slip away so easily? I recall the days when I despised you, until I pondered the profound gaze of those captivating, deep brown eyes, and all animosity dissolved. I eagerly anticipate observing your every movement as you pass by, imprinting our names upon your lips and your enchanting heart-shaped mouth. Linda, you deserve better than this place, and I will find a sanctuary for us. He proceeded to outline his plans to take her far away, where she would become his beautiful bride.

While Dan's intentions remained uncertain and he never materialized, Linda harbored paranoia for several years. Her unease persisted until her own peculiar encounters eventually subsided, only to be replaced by Johnny's accounts of unsettling dreams involving diminutive beings leading him to a circular room and communicating without moving their lips. It reminded me of Linda's claim about the aliens inserting something into her nostril. Interestingly, whenever Johnny experienced these nightmares, he would wake up with a nosebleed.
